Posts Tagged ‘Wall Street Journal’

Join a Network to Succeed Going Solo

Thursday, April 29th, 2010 by AdvisorCatalyst

I’d like to revisit the recent Wall Street Journal article (“How to Succeed in the Age of Going Solo”). It talks about the importance of independent advisors joining a network of people engaged in the same kind of work.

The prospect of being independent is daunting to many. At first, it sounds exciting. After a career of the “daily grind,” the flexibility of working on one’s own seems very enticing. But newly independent workers soon realize that they miss that “daily grind.” They’ve grown so accustomed to the routine of commutes, coworkers, and corporate schedules that their newfound independence presents more of a feeling of “What now?” than “Yippee!” That’s where a network of professional peers serves such a vital purpose. It allows advisors to be independent, but not alone. Furthermore, it gives them a forum in which they can ask questions and share lessons learned.

Over the years, the CEO Advantage advisor peer group has become almost an organization itself in terms of the camaraderie and shared purpose. Our advisors are independent, but they feel a sense of loyalty and friendship toward one another. There’s no question that their association with one another has made them more effective advisors to their own clients.

Whatever you do for a living, if you’re working independently, join a network.
