Archive for July, 2024

In 100 Words: Lurking SPOFs

Wednesday, July 31st, 2024 by AdvisorCatalyst

Single points of failure (SPOFs) lurk in unexpected places throughout your organization.  It may be related to people, technology systems, physical hardware, or outside service providers.  Today’s complex, automated, and highly connected systems create greater degrees of SPOFs than in past times.  Seemingly minor issues can trigger SPOFs which can quickly cripple an organization’s ability to provide desired levels of customer care.

How well does your team understand and anticipate SPOFs?  How well do you prioritize resiliency vs efficiency thinking?  It’s a different perspective.  A worthwhile exercise – list as many critical SPOFs as possible then generate ideas for continency plans.

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present.”  Abraham Lincoln

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